Favorable electricity rates

New businesses to B.C.

Low-carbon fuel production and data center industry customers may be eligible for a discounted electricity rate. The Clean Industry and Innovation Rate (Rate Schedule 1894) reduces the cost to connect to BC Hydro’s grid. The rate is available to new clean industry and innovation customers.

Get in touch with our team

Contact our experts to learn more about BC Hydro's Clean Industry and Innovation Rate and eligibility criteria.

Tell us about your energy needs

Compare electricity rates in North America

BC Hydro’s integrated grid provides our clean-tech and high-tech companies a competitive advantage. Energy-intensive industries that establish operations in B.C. enjoy among the lowest industrial electricity rates in North America. Stable, regulated rates from a clean, renewable source help future-proof your business. 

Comparative electricity rates in North America (in CAD ¢/kWh)

Winnipeg, MB
Montréal, QC
Vancouver, BC
Portland, OR2
Ottawa, ON
Toronto, ON2
Seattle, WA
Edmonton, AB
Calgary, AB
San Francisco, CA2

Comparative electricity rates in North America (in CAD ¢/kWh)

Power demand: 50,000 KW³
Consumption: 30,600,000 kWh/month
Voltage: 120 kV
Load factor: 85%

2. These bills have been estimated by Hydro-Québec and may differ from actual bills.
3. Customer-owned transformer.

Source: Hydro-Québec 2022 and BC Hydro 2022.

Full listing of available energy rates in North America