BC Hydro offers support to help upgrade the electrical infrastructure of eligible existing industrial sites. Your project may be eligible for support if:
- Your business has selected an existing industrial site to establish or expand operations in British Columbia (B.C.).
- You own an industrial site with existing electrical infrastructure and capacity and have identified a new business tenant.
To find out more, fill out our pre-screening form to determine your project’s eligibility.
Electrical infrastructure upgrades
This support benefits large commercial or industrial businesses and site owners.
Large commercial or industrial businesses
If you operate a large commercial or industrial business that is establishing or expanding your operations in B.C., we can help identify available industrial sites based on your needs. Finding an available site will help reduce the time and cost to connect to our grid.
Site owners
If your site has existing electrical infrastructure and capacity, we can help you list and market your site using our registry of industrial properties. This can potentially generate revenue opportunities through the sale or lease of your site.
If your project is not eligible for industrial site support, it may still be eligible for support towards making your industrial facilities more energy-efficient.

We help match industrial properties with businesses looking to establish or expand their operations in the province, reducing the time and cost of connecting to our grid. We maintain a registry of industrial properties with available land, electrical infrastructure, and transmission or distribution capacity.
We are looking for industrial sites with existing electrical infrastructure and capacity. Explore new opportunities for your business when you register.