BC Hydro offers support and expert guidance to help your eligible business access incentives to improve energy efficiency. As set out in our Energy Efficiency Plan, we support businesses across a range of sectors, including:
- Industrial facilities
- Clean tech and high-tech, such as hydrogen, synthetic, and clean fuel production
- Industrial fleet transportation, such as road, rail, marine, and air
- Other sectors, including district energy, oil and gas, mining, as well as pulp and paper
Our integrated pre-screening process ensures businesses across a range of sectors and industrial applications can apply.
Note that EV fleet electrification is separate from the industrial fleet transportation program, and more information can be found here.
Commercial buildings and industrial facilities
If your business includes owning, operating, or developing large commercial and industrial buildings, we offer a range of incentives to:
- Help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
- Improve energy efficiency in new and existing commercial buildings
- Switch to hydroelectricity
Eligible applicants can find incentives to encourage energy-efficient design, construction, and renovation of facilities.
Fill out our pre-screening eligibility form and find out if your business is eligible for our energy efficiency programs including:
- CleanBC Better Buildings programs:
- Custom Program: Incentives to retrofit your current building and explore fuel switching and other electrification measures in larger buildings
- Custom-Lite Program: Incentives to help facilitate smaller electrification opportunities across the commercial and institutional building sector.
- Commercial Express Program: Support for smaller electrification opportunities across the commercial and institutional building sector. Provides a streamlined application process and does not require an energy study to participate.
- Commercial New Construction Program: Incentives for the design and construction of high-performance buildings using high-efficiency electricity.
- Energy efficiency project incentives
- Energy studies and audits
CleanBC Custom Program
The CleanBC Custom Program offers energy study funding and capital incentives for energy efficiency. The program includes incentives to retrofit your current building and explore efficient electrification in larger buildings.
It is funded by the Province of British Columbia (B.C.) and the Government of Canada, and administered by BC Hydro.
CleanBC Commercial and New Construction Program
The Provincial Commercial New Construction Program is designed to provide financial support for the development and construction of new high-performance buildings. The goal is to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through targeted electrification measures within the building heating system.
Capital Incentives of up to CAD$500,000 and Energy Study Incentives of up to CAD$15,000 are available, based on eligibility criteria.
Find out more about the CleanBC Commercial New Construction Program

Clean tech and high-tech
Businesses that establish operations in B.C. benefit from strong system reliability when accessing our integrated grid.
We can help your eligible clean tech or high-tech business access funding to establish new operations and undertake connection studies. We support a range of industries including carbon capture, hydrogen fuel production, and low-carbon fuel production.
Incentives and expert support are available to help eligible businesses:
- Establish new operations or expand existing operations for a new end-use.
- Access incentives to transition to clean energy, or make energy-efficient upgrades.
- Get matched to a suitable industrial site pre-screened by BC Hydro.
- Apply for connection study funding to reduce the cost of connecting new projects to our grid.
Find out more about support and incentives for new operations in B.C.
Industrial fleet transportation
Your business can access incentives to support energy efficient electrification for your industrial transport fleet and heavy equipment including seaport operations, airports, and rail. Switching all or part of your fleet to electricity can increase fuel savings and operational efficiency.
We offer incentives and planning resources to support the integration or transition to a zero-emission mobile fleet. This also includes funding pilot projects as well as energy emissions audits and roadmaps.
Find out more about funding for electrifying your fleet
Other sectors
We can help your business access funding to improve energy efficiency, or market your eligible industrial site. We support businesses in various other sectors, including:
- District energy
- Oil and gas
- Mining
- Pulp and paper and forestry
- Manufacturing
To achieve this goal, we currently offer incentives to help eligible businesses:
- Establish new high-load operations or expand existing operations for a new end-use.
- Initiate projects that reduce GHG emissions and enhance energy efficiency.
- Assess and improve the electrical infrastructure of eligible industrial sites to ready the site for a potential customer.
Find out if your project is eligible for incentives
Complete our pre-screening eligibility form to find out whether your energy efficiency electrification project qualifies for a range of incentives administered by BC Hydro and CleanBC.